Got back up again

Posted on November 04, 20230 BL Lovers

Konnichiwa minna-san, it's been...multiple lifetimes. ^^;;;.
It's been so long my previous host's prices rose up to n10 heaven and I had to move to Neon Sky's host (which is cheaper but still pretty good); but now I'm finally back with a new site look and tons of new additions, so let's roll.

I♥Boys's version 7 is called Every little thing and features one of the very first yaoi mangas I ever read (and that contributed heavily to getting obsessed with the genre LOL), and which to this day remains one of my absolute favorites, Kazusa Takashima's Wild Rock; I actually made this design long ago, but it always ended up getting pushed back by others I preferred to it (even though I love it) so I'm quite stoked I finally get to use it. I hope you like it too, but any kind of constructive feedback is always welcome.

But now onto the additions; although the site was closed for a while, I kept working behind the scenes and made quite a lot of new stuff for my visitors; here's the full list of what was added (because I try to keep things as ordered as I can).
  • 12 yaoi designs
  • 6 slash designs
  • 10 yaoi headers
  • 4 slash headers
  • 18 yaoi icons
  • 2 slash icons
The site also went through a mini revamp -- I got rid of some graphics and designs I no longer liked, changed the premades' preview method, switched from FusionNews to Cutenews (an actually obligatory choice, FusionNews doesn't work properly on PHP 7 and for some reason I cannot change PHP version) -- which took a while, but the site is finally back and running at 100%....and will be updated properly and regurarly. =)

Gotta go now, as I still need to upload some files and folders to the site and do the finishing touches; see you all on next update -- which is not gonna come next year. xD
Everybody take care and have a wonderful Sunday. ♥

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Welcome I♥Boys, your small source for quality yaoi, shonen-ai and slash designs; please, remember to read the terms before using anything. Enjoy. ♥

Part of The Artificial Network


Yaoi designs :: 30
Slash designs :: 11
Premade headers :: 38
Icons 100x00 :: 58


yaoi designs yaoi icons headers the domain slash designs slash icons the yaoiholic links in/out


link link link link link link link link link link


All the original images, characters, series, movies, etc. belong to their respective owners. I do NOT make money with this site, it's just for passion; any copyright infringement is not voluntarily wanted.
© Lucien • (12/06) 2016-2024 // Host :: BZ // Credits by I♥B - MRM // Powered by CN // Admin :: CP - CMS