Yaoi cuteness overload

Posted on October 02, 20240 BL Lovers

Hi fellow fujoshis. ^.^
It's been a while, but I'm finally back with new things and a new look; so without further ado or excuses, let's roll on with the update.

First thing first, as usual, the new design: version 8 is a table layout simply called Family, featuring a super cute Attack on Titan doujinshi artwork; I'm not a fan of AoT (I stopped reading the manga about a dozen volumes in and never watched the anime), but I fell in love with the doujinshi and its artwork the moment -- no wonder since the artist behind it is Kazuma "Kizuna" Kodaka -- and knew I had to use it. Hopefully you'll like it too. n_n

Now onto the main part you've all been waiting for a.k.a. the additions....it's not a big amount, but I was too eager to update to wait until I had more. List is very short.
  • 10 new yaoi designs featuring quite a variety of series;
  • 10 new yaoi headers most of them matching the designs.
As mentioned it's a pretty small batch, but still let me know what you think -- constructive feedback is my ambrosia.

Gotta go as tonight I'm going out to dinner with my brother and I still need to shower and pick my outfit; see you all next time.
Everybody take care and have a wonderful day. ♥

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Yaoi designs :: 30
Slash designs :: 11
Premade headers :: 38
Icons 100x00 :: 58


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